A couple in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur district disowned their 22-year-old daughter and performed her ‘pind daan’ (last rites) after she married a man from another faith.
On June 8, Anamika Dubey from Amkhera area married Mohmamd Ayaz in Jabalpur. Her family came to know when a wedding card, in which the girl’s name was mentioned as Uzma Fatima, went viral on social media.
Angered over her decision, Anamika’s parents and siblings organised the last rite of their daughter at the Narmada River. The family also invited acquaintances to participate in the rituals.
The girl’s father also printed ‘Shoksandesh’ (condolence cards) in which he mentioned his daughter as ‘Kuputri’.
The condolence card reads, “It is sad to inform you that Chandrika Prasad Dubey’s Kupatri Anamika Dubey has passed away on June 2, Sunday (the day she eloped with Ayaz). For the peace of her soul, Pind Daan will be held on 11 June.”
The family members reportedly said that the girl’s actions had left them no choice but to sever all ties with her.