Mumbai: In a surprising turn of events, Adil Khan Durrani, ex-husband of Bollywood sensation Rakhi Sawant, has married former Bigg Boss 12 contestant Somi Khan. The couple took to Instagram to share the joyous news officially along with a series of heartwarming pictures.
The photos are going viral on internet and one picture features Adil and Somi holding their framed marriage certificate and another showcasing a tender moment with Adil kissing Somi’s forehead. While Somi can be see donning a vibrant red lehenga, Adil looked dapper in a cream and golden sherwani paired with a maroon turban.
Adil Khan Durrani, Somi Khan’s Photos
Adil and Somi’s Nikah ceremony took place on March 3, and the couple expressed their gratitude in the caption, saying, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. We are overjoyed to announce that by the grace of Allah, we have solemnized our Nikah in a simple and beautiful ceremony.”
The caption further read, “Alhumdullilaah, we are thankful for this blessing and we appreciate our families and friends for their love and support. We are eager to begin our new journey together as husband and wife. Please remember us in your prayers for a blessed married life. JazakAllah Khair. Adil khan durrani Somi Adil khan 03.03.2024.”
For the unversed, Adil Khan was earlier married to Rakhi Sawant, but things took a different turn when she later filed an FIR against him. The accusations included domestic violence, mishandling funds, torture, and infidelity. Adil was arrested in February of the same year but was later granted bail after a few weeks.