Mumbai: Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker, who is known for her outspoken views on various issues, took to Twitter on Wednesday, to shower praises on ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ amid the film’s boycott call and its failure. She also called the lead actor Aamir Khan a ‘handsome Sikh’ and lauded Kareena Kapoor Khan, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya’s characters.
“Watching #LalSinghChaddha! Already tugging at the heart strings. Have to say, Aamir Khan makes a handsome Sikh! Also, Little Laal and Little Rupa are so cute. And Mona Singh is all heart! Stellar casting job,” Swara tweeted.
Not just Swara, several other Bollywood celebrities including Hrithik Roshan took to their social media to praise the film and urge people to watch before criticising it.
While Neha Dhupia called the film ‘magic’, Richa Chadha tweeted, “As a Chadha I whole heartedly endorse #LalSinghChadha Made us laugh and cry in unison, collective gasps emanating from the theatre audience at key cameos were excellent work by ALL.”
Laal Singh Chaddha released in theatres on August 11. The film, which is a remake of Hollywood hit Forrest Gump, has been facing a severe downfall at the box office as it managed to mint only Rs 45cr so far. The movie received several boycott calls across social media platforms prior to its release, after old statement of Aamir from his 2014 interview resurfaced the internet. The actor had spoken about the ‘growing intolerance’ in the country in the interview.