The Muslim woman who was shot at by an Uttar Pradesh police officer in an ‘accidental’ firing breathed her last at an Aligarh hospital late on Wednesday, December 13. Ishrat Jahan was critical till her last breath and was on life support at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, reported Maktoob Media.
The victim, reportedly an Umrah aspirant, visited the Aligarh police station on December 8 for passport verification, which unexpectedly turned tragic. The entire episode was captured on the police station’s CCTV cameras, providing a clear account of the incident.
After the incident, a relative alleged that the woman had gone to the police station for passport verification, where officials reportedly demanded a bribe. They further claimed that the police official shot at her following an argument over the same.
The police official, Manoj Sharma, was suspended with immediate effect, and a case was booked against him. However, he is still absconding.
In the video, the woman can be seen standing in front of a police sub-inspector. After some time, a police official comes and hands a pistol to SI Inspector Manoj Sharma, who then discharges his firearm at point-blank range, hit the woman in the head.