US gives $ 26 bn military aid to Israel; it is one-third of India’s annual defence budget

Only a political novice or one suffering from some phobia would believe the Western propaganda that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not listening to the US President Joe Biden. Read this. The US administration recently approved $ 26 billion (Rs 2,16,480 crore) of military aid to Israel which can also be called the 51st state of America.

Weeks after granting this whopping aid, the US has proposed a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas that has so far resulted in the loss of 36,000 Arab lives, mostly of women and children.

This huge amount is one-third (Rs 6,21,000 crore or $75 billion) of the annual defence budget of India in 2024-25. The total area of Israel is equal to a mere half a dozen districts of India, which has more than 150 times the population of the former.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

Complex Christianity-Judaism ties

Notwithstanding the picture of ‘helplessness’ Biden sketched by the Western media, the huge amount of Rs 2,16,480 crore military aid given to the Zionist State tells a different story. Mind it, this is not the end of the story but just one such aid, many others have preceded and will follow. Not billions but trillions of dollars pumped into Israel since its creation and even before, by the US and its Western allies proving
how dear this existence is for them. They created Israel not out of love for Jews but as a military outpost in the heart of Muslim world at the tri-junction of Asia, Africa and Europe which is not too far away.

The generosity shown towards Israel by its creators, the United States, Britain and France, have much to do with their global business enterprise. They are investing billions in ‘defence’ of Israel to earn trillions and zillions of dollars every year from this region. They have been using the complex Christianity-Judaism relationship to achieve their imperialistic goal.

To befool the world and save their own image the rulers of these three countries smartly pose themselves as if they are helpless and innocent and that only Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for all the butchery in Gaza. An impression is being made, largely with the help of media and academics, that their respective countries are in the grip of the so-called Jewish lobby and they are bound to help Israel.

MS Creative School

For 2,000 years the prevalent Christian belief was that Jews were responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But by the mid-1960s both Catholic and Protestant clergy, especially after Vatican II, had started exonerating Jews for this crime. Has this something to do with post-World War II global politics? If it is so, then it means that for 2,000 years Christians were living in sin. They had killed crores of Jews
in the name of religion. Still, many of them, especially Evangelists, believe that all the Jews would either be killed or converted to Christianity before Armageddon, the Biblical final battle between Good and Evil.

Aid to Ukraine, Taiwan

Here it needs to be mentioned that apart from Israel the US in April 2024 approved military aid of $61 billion to Ukraine and $ 8.12 billion to tiny Taiwan. These two regions too are crucial for Western imperialism. Ukrainians never really wanted to fight neighbouring and powerful Russia for obvious reasons, but It was none other than the United States which by expanding NATO to the Russian border provoked its dictator Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine. In the same way Taiwanese do not want to antagonize Communist China with which it has an enormous amount of trade.

The Christianized Western imperialist powers, especially the US, Britain, and France (and not all the Christian countries of the rest of the world), created Israel in the name of a Jewish homeland. In the late 19th and early 20th century, they raised and backed a section of secular, atheist, and non-practicing Jews for this purpose. Now they are arming the Ultra-Orthodox Jews to fight their imperialistic war, when the fact is that the latter were opposed to the creation of Israel and consider its birth as a sinful and blasphemous act.

The time has come to explode the myth called the Jewish lobby in the United States.

There are more Christians than Jews in this so-called lobby. The enactment of anti-Semitic law was the product of the same Zionist Christians and not Jews who came to the American shore in lakhs as shattered, broken and starving lot after facing extermination at the hands of fellow Christian Germans, French, Polish, and earlier Russians all in the name of religion.

It needs to be mentioned that Christians united for Israel has over one crore members in the United States whereas the entire population of Jews in the country is about seven million—and not all are Zionists. Their population in Israel is slightly higher, in fact percentage-wise declining.

Anti-Zionist Jews

If all the Jews are so mad in their support for their Promised Homeland, why is it that scholars like Noam Chomsky and Democratic Party Senator Bernie Sanders hold opposite views on Israel? Why is it that many Jews are taking to the streets in the Western metropolis and denouncing Biden and Netanyahu for what is happening in Gaza?

Lily Greenberg Call, the first senior Jew official in the US Department of Interior to resign after October 7 directly accused Joe Biden of “endorsement of genocide” in Gaza, and that too in the name of her community.

In a hard-hitting article in the Guardian on May 28 Lily Greenberg Call, while tracing the history of her family’s trauma in Europe on the eve of World War II, explained how she had chosen May 15 to resign as it was on this very day in 1948, that is a day after the creation of Israel, that the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians started.

Palestinians have been observing Naqba (catastrophe) day on May 15 every year after the creation of Israel on May 14, 1948.

Why is it that the American Federal Bureau of Investigation questioned for two hours anti-Zionist Israeli historian Ilan Pappe when he arrived at Detroit airport in Michigan on May 16? Why is it that the US agency is so worried about anti-Zionist Israel than Israel itself? In Israel, lakhs of people are openly gathering against Netanyahu since January 2023 and even condemned his war policy, but the same is a crime under anti-Semitic law in America and several European countries.

The so-called champions of human rights in the US administration on May 8 announced that it is delaying the shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel as it may be used in Rafah. But a few days later the Biden administration reiterated that it always stands for the defence of Israel.

By such double speak the US President wants to hide his real face. But all this is being done keeping in mind the coming election.

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