Mumbai: Since its release on Youtube, the Besharam Rang song from Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming movie ‘Pathaan’, has been in the headlines and now in the latest development director Vivek Agnihotri has shared the death threats he has received from SRK’s fans on Twitter.
Sharing the screenshots of the messages, The Kashmir Files director wrote, ”Badshah was right. There is negativity on social media. (But we are positive).”
In the series of screenshots shared by Agnihotri, fans of Shah Rukh Khan are seen abusing him for criticising Pathaan’s track.
One of the messages reads, “Dhond raha hun tujhe main tujhe… ghar ke andar ghus kart era bheja udhao ga. Just watch. Or delete ur recent Tweet.” SRK’s fans even dragged Vivek Agnihotri’s daughter into the matter.
Social media users resurfaced his daughter Mallika Agnihotri’s saffron-coloured bikini photos on social media and asked The Kashmir Files director to comment on the same.
“You shouldn’t be talking about this topic, especially after the kind of movie you have directed recently,”
another user wrote.
Vivek Agnihotri dragged himself into the controversy after he took a dig at the Besharam song by writing, “First Insta reels used to look like bad copies of Bollywood songs. Now Bollywood songs look like bad copies of Insta reels.”
Speaking about Pathaan, the movie is set to hit the screens on January 25 worldwide. It has been directed by Sidharth Anand and also stars John Abraham in the other pivotal role.