Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his 58th birthday on November 3. He hosted a lavish party for his industry friends at his Mumbai residence Mannat. Several pictures and videos from inside the bash are doing the rounds on social media.
Various actors shared pictures and videos with their fans on social media platforms but what grabbed eyeballs was the unknown woman who shared photos with big celebrities on Instagram. Journalists and netizens after spotting the unknown woman in SRK’s party started a mission to find out who she is and what is her connection with King Khan.
Everything About Fauzia Adeel Butt
Yes, after thorough research, it is reported that the unknown woman who was spotted in SRK’s birthday bash is Fauzia Adeel Butt. She is actually the CEO of a Qatar-based celebrity and event management company – FAB Entertainment.
Fauzia facilitates celebrities in Qatar and manages concerts and events along with other entertainment works. Fauzia Butt shares good camaraderie with international stars like Lionel Messi, David Beckham, Sania Mirza, Neeraj Chopra and other sports and cinema personalities. She reportedly shares a very close bond with Shah Rukh Khan and his family.
Fauzia Butt is also rumoured to be part of SRK’s next film Dunki as she has shared the teaser of the film on her Instagram and a picture with Rajkumar Hirani too. Some reports suggest that she is part of Dunki’s promotions and distributions in the Middle East.