Hyderabad: Most eight-year-old children would struggle to even locate Mount Patalsu on a map, let alone climb it. However, Jetoth Vihanram, a native of Warangal residing in Karimnagar, successfully scaled the 4,251-meter peak near Manali. This challenging trek not only offered a thrilling ascent but also breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
The expedition team displayed a “Say No to Drugs” banner, supporting the Telangana police’s campaign against drug use.
Vihan’s father, Jetoth Tirupathi Nayak, works as an excise constable in Karimnagar. His colleague, Lenkala Mahipal Reddy, a prominent Telangana mountaineer, was training 42 aspiring youngsters for various roles in the Indian Army. Inspired by the daily training sessions, Vihan expressed his interest in mountaineering and decided to join the expedition team, despite limited training.
After three days of brief training in Manali, Vihan and the 42 others embarked on their expedition. While 20 participants aged between 18 and 20 chose to turn back midway, Vihan persevered and completed the climb on October 7.
Among the team was Mahipal Reddy’s son, Dharma Teja, who at the young age of 12 also conquered the 14,500-foot peak.