Mumbai: Even though Bigg Boss 17 has ended, the contestants are still making waves on social media. After Munawar Faruqui and Hina Khan, people are now talking about Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan.
The latest news involves Abhishek Kumar proposing to Ayesha Khan in a romantic video, which has become a trending topic among BB fans.
Abhishek Kumar, Ayesha Khan’s Video
In a sweet Valentine’s Day surprise, Abhishek Kumar melted hearts as he went down on one knee to propose to fellow contestant Ayesha Khan. The duo recreated a music video together called “Saanware,” originally featuring Abhishek and Mannara Chopra.
Sharing the heartwarming moment on social media, Abhishek posted a video where he and Ayesha danced to the romantic song, exchanged warm hugs, and sealed the moment with a proposal. Abhishek looked dashing in a black tuxedo, while Ayesha looked stunning in a blue saree.
About Music Video Saanware
The original “Saanware” video, released on February 12, showcased Abhishek and Mannara enjoying moments together on a bike, getting married in court, and facing challenges in their relationship. The song, sung by Akhil Sachdeva and directed by Rajan Bir, has captivated viewers with its emotional storyline.