Mumbai: Recent rumors about Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy have kept fans buzzing with speculation. It is being said that the actress and her cricketer husband, Virat Kohli, are expecting their second child after Vamika. While the couple has maintained their silence on the matter, Anushka shared a photo flaunting her baby bump, adding to the intrigue.
In the photo, the ‘Chakda Xpress’ star just mentioned that she is upgrading her phone. In the Instagram post, both pictures show Anushka seated in a garden area, posing with her phone. However, it’s important to note that the her pic in black dress is from her first pregnancy.
Despite Anushka’s tight-lipped stance regarding the pregnancy rumors, keen-eyed fans noticed her baby bump during the India vs. Pakistan World Cup match.
Meanwhile, a source disclosed to Hindustan Times that Anushka is indeed pregnant but has no plans to announce it anytime soon. The source explained, “Anushka is expecting her second baby. Like the last time, they will formally share the news with the world at a later stage.”
As the couple keeps their fans eagerly awaiting official confirmation, the speculation surrounding Anushka’s second pregnancy continues to be a hot topic of discussion.