Bengaluru: In a shocking incident that unfolded in Bengaluru’s BEL layout under the jurisdiction of the Badarahalli police station, a two-and-a-half-year-old toddler found himself in a perilous situation after accidentally falling into a 10-feet water sump while engrossed in play.
The sudden shrieks of panic alerted passersby, including Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) Nagaraj from the Batarayanpur traffic station, who happened to be in the vicinity at the time.
Responding swiftly to the cries for help, PSI Nagaraj rushed to the scene, where he was confronted with the harrowing sight of the child trapped in the water sump.
Without a moment’s hesitation, PSI Nagaraj, still clad in his official uniform, sprang into action.
Ignoring any personal risk, he descended into the sump and managed to extricate the child from the potentially life-threatening situation.
The timely intervention undoubtedly proved crucial, as even a slight delay could have led to tragic consequences.
The child, albeit unconscious, was promptly transported to the hospital for urgent medical attention. Fortunately, due to the prompt rescue efforts and subsequent medical care, the child is now on the path to recovery.
The child’s relieved and grateful parents expressed their heartfelt gratitude to PSI Nagaraj for his heroic act, acknowledging that his swift action had undoubtedly saved their child’s life.
PSI Nagaraj’s selfless and courageous deed has earned him widespread praise and admiration, cementing his status as a true hero in the eyes of the public.