Mumbai: In the second week of Bigg Boss 17, contestants are bracing themselves for the first elimination after a surprising no-elimination in week 1. Nominations were held in last night’s episode, and six housemates find themselves on the chopping block this week.
Bigg Boss 17 Nominated Contestants
- Soniya Bansal
- Sunny Arya
- Sana Raees Khan
- Aishwarya Sharma
- Neil Bhatt
- Khanzaadi
Opening Voting Trends
According to the latest voting trends, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma are currently leading in the votes. On the flip side, Sunny, also known as Tehelka, and Sana Raees Khan are at the bottom of the rankings.
Unfortunately for Sana, she holds the last position and is at risk of being evicted from the show this week.
It is worth noting here that Sana has also landed in legal trouble due to participation in the show. Advocate Ashutosh Dubey has raised objections, claiming that her involvement in Bigg Boss 17 breaches rules established by the Bar Council.
Considering these developments, it’s likely that Sana Raees Khan could be removed from Bigg Boss 17. Only time will reveal who ultimately faces elimination in this nail-biting week.
Who do you think will walk home this week? Comment below. Stay tuned to for more interesting scoops and updates on the show.