Hyderabad: Predicting that the BRS won’t be able to win a single Lok Sabha seat during the upcoming general elections, Telangana roads and buildings minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy said, ” If BRS wins a single seat, I am ready for anything.”
He was speaking during his visit to an Eidgah in Nalgonda on the festive day of Eid Al-Fitr along with former minister K Jana Reddy and Congress’ Nalgonda Lok Sabha candidate L Raghuveer Reddy on Thursday, April 11. The Congress leaders extended greetings to the Muslim community.
Speaking with media, he downplayed the claims of BJP leaders that Congress leaders from within the party would pull down the Congress government. “There are no Eknath Shindes in Congress. Even he was planted by BJP in Maharashtra, where BJP came to power by bringing a split in NCP and Shiv Sena,” he recalled.
Also finding fault with BJP legislative floor leader A Maheshwar Reddy for his remarks on group politics in Congress, he said that everybody was working as a team under chief minister A Revanth Reddy’s guidance. Congress would stay in power for 10 years in Telangana, he said.
Venkat Reddy questioned Maheshwar Reddy to explain to people why BJP MP Bandi Sanjay was removed from the party chief’s post and Union home minister G Kishan Reddy was given the reins.