Hyderabad: The chief secretaries of two Telugu-speaking states held a convergence meeting at Telangana Secretariat on Monday, where plans were discussed to prevent the illegal transportation of alcohol and drugs from Karnataka and Goa given the coming Lok Sabha elections, which will be held simultaneously on May 13 in the two states.
Telangana chief secretary A Santhi Kumari and her AP counterpart KS Jawahar Reddy informed that the district collectors of areas lying along the borders between the two states have also held convergence meetings.
They said that the law and order situation is under control, and would continue till the elections conclude. To prevent any movement of Maoists, the police departments of the two states, in addition to the central security forces have been working in collaboration, they said.
Santhi Kumari disclosed that 36 inter-state check-posts of the police department, three check-posts of the forest department, eight of the excise department, seven of the IT department, and 224 enforcement teams were monitoring the movement of goods, cash, alcohol, and drugs coming into Telangana by the State government.