Mumbai: Gauri Khan, the famous interior designer and wife of Shah Rukh Khan, has launched a new website, showcasing her elegant designs. Known for her luxury creations, Gauri recently won the Best Interior Designer award at the Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year Awards 2024. Her inspiring journey started at 40, proving it’s never too late to chase dreams.
What’s New on the Website?
The website offers a stunning look at Gauri’s signature projects, from lavish homes to commercial spaces. It also features an online store selling:
- Artefacts and Accessories
- Furniture and Lighting
- Bedding and Cushions
- Mirrors and Planters
These items reflect Gauri’s style: elegant, luxurious, and unique.
Candle Holders That Shocked Everyone
One product that grabbed attention is the candle holders. While similar items in local markets cost Rs. 100-200, Gauri’s versions start at Rs. 6,000, with premium options priced at Rs. 15,000. This has surprised many, but her craftsmanship and brand value cater to luxury buyers.
Other products include sofas and beds priced between Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 2.5 lakh. These are tailored for customers who value exclusivity and top-quality designs.
Exciting New Plans
Gauri is also opening a design experience center in Delhi this March, where clients can see her creations in person.