Mumbai: The managing director of the JSW Group, Sajjan Jindal, was the subject of a rape complaint filed at the BKC police station on Wednesday. The actress who filed the complaint claimed that the crime had happened in January 2022 in the Bandra-Kurla Complex penthouse atop the company’s headquarters. She further stated that she was compelled to go before the court, which gave the police the order to file the complaint, because she felt that the BKC police had ignored her earlier this year.
The complainant claims that she first encountered Jindal in October 2021 in Dubai while the two were watching an IPL match in a stadium’s VIP box. Following that, they got together at MP Praful Patel’s son’s wedding in Jaipur. After their meeting in Mumbai, the actress claimed, Jindal became possessive and personal, and after making several advances, he finally forced himself on her.
The complainant as per HT report said, ”We had exchanged numbers and met in Mumbai because he had expressed interest in buying property from my brother who is a real estate consultant in Dubai. He started addressing me as ‘babe’ and ‘baby’, and described all the problems in his marriage when we first met alone, which made me very awkward”.
The complainant claimed that even though Jindal was married, he showed romantic feelings for her during their subsequent text exchanges. She said that Jindal also made an attempt to kiss her and talked about having a sexual relationship.
As per reports, Jindal took the actress to the penthouse during a meeting at the company’s headquarters in January 2022. She claimed that Jindal forced himself on her in spite of her persistent protests and denials. The complainant said she tried to maintain a friendship with him even after the incident, but he stopped responding to her and later blocked her number. “Before blocking my number in June 2022, he threatened me with dire consequences if I approached the police,” she said.
She filed a written complaint with the BKC police in February 2023. Her repeated complaints went unanswered by the police, so she went to court, whereupon the BKC police were directed to file the complaint, as per reports.
Reports claim that the accused was booked under Sections 376 (rape), 354 (assault or use of criminal force on a woman, intending to outrage her modesty) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code.