Hyderabad: The assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Uma Maheshwar Rao has been arrested by the Telangana anti-corruption bureau for amassing wealth illegally. As searches across Telangana continue which reportedly led to the seizure of a huge sum of cash and gold huge amounts of cash and gold after identifying the police officer’s bank lockers. Uma Maheshwar Rao was the Chief Special Officer for the investigation into the Sahitya Infra case, which is a multi-crore fraud.
ACB searches have been going on for over a day at the house and other properties in Telangana of Uma Maheswara Rao. The ACP has been accused of corruption during his earlier tenure as ACP Ibrahimpatnam.
There are allegations of collecting large sums of money in land disputes in the Sahitya Infra case. Many complaints have been received, alleging that he is supporting the accused and doing injustice to victims.
ACP Uma Maheshwar Rao had previously allegedly threatened BJP leader Charan Chaudhary and with the help of Task Force DCP Radhakishan Rao. Uma Maheshwar Rao reportedly transferred Rs.30 lakhs through Charan’s friends. ACB searches are going on at eight places in AP and Telangana.
ACB officials, who had kept a vigil on Uma Maheshwar Rao, received complaints alleging that he accumulated assets beyond his income and investigations are currently ongoing.