Mumbai: The poster of the upcoming Hindi movie – Hum Do Hamare Baarah – starring veteran actor Annu Kapoor launched on August 5, has created a stir and has given rise to several Twitter feuds. The poster for the movie shows the head of a Muslim family (played by Annu Kapoor) surrounded by his 11 children and a pregnant wife.
The poster caught the eyes of many as it depicted a Muslim family and evoked outrage among Twitteratis. Many eminent journalists including Rana Ayyub have slammed the censor board, saying that the poster was a blunt representation of Islamophobia.
Ayub questioned how films that depict Muslims in a bad light get an easy pass.
Reacting to the criticism, Hum Do Hamare Baarah’s director, Kamal Chandra, defended the poster and refuted claims that it targets a certain section of society. Speaking to ETimes, he said the film talks about the ‘population explosion’ in the country.
“The film is not objectionable at all. It needs to be seen in the right context,” he said.
Confident that his film ‘Hum Do Hamare Baarah’ will be received with a positive response from the public, Chandra said, “I am sure people will be happy to see one of the most relevant issues of our times on population growth and we are making it without any prejudice and hurting sentiments of any particular community.”
When asked why he chose a Muslim family to depict his idea of population explosion, Chandra said, “Today, people from one particular community are feeling that they are being targeted through our film. If we would have made a poster reflecting any other community, they would have said the same thing. I feel that cinema is the best medium to express our thoughts and feelings. I urge everyone to not make an issue out of this.”
The internet is divided with many opposing the blatant targeting of a minority community and another certain section of people who have come out in support of the film.
Here are a few reactions from Twitter users: