Hyderabad: In fresh development from the Pragathi Nagar drowning case, a few people from the area were found to have removed the cover of the nala (drain), which led to the death of a four-year-old boy.
The deceased, Mithun slipped into an overflowing nala and got washed away on Tuesday morning. His body was later retrieved by DRF personnel from Turka Cheruvu Kukatpally. The incident was captured on a CCTV camera.
The police had initially registered a case under Section 174 of CrPC and handed over the body to family members. However, during further investigation, the police checked the feed of the surveillance cameras and found NRI colony welfare association president and a watchman opening the manhole at around 8:20 am on Tuesday.
Another CCTV footage surfaced on social media, showing a man removing the nala cover to drain out the water. It was due to the sheer negligence of a house owner that resulted in the four-year-old boy getting washed away, police said.
The president of the NRI colony resident’s body was booked for endangering life and negligent act leading to death.
Meanwhile, the authorities asked civilians not to tamper with manhole covers.