Hyderabad: One person was killed and several others were injured when a fire broke out at a furniture manufacturing unit in Jiyaguda on the night of Tuesday, July 23. According to officials from the state Fire department, the incident occurred at a four storey building where 25 people were present when the fire started at around 1 am.
“A call was received at 1.22 am and our team reached the spot immediately. Several people who were trapped in the building were rescued. One person died and six others were injured. The cause of the fire is yet to be determined, but a case has been registered, and an investigation is underway,” said a fire official who was present at Jiyaguda.
The flames erupted on the ground floor of the three-storied building under the Kulsumpura Police Station limits at around 1 a.m. and subsequently spread to the first and second floors, said Fire department officials. After receiving information, fire tenders rushed to the spot and they doused the flames by 3:00 am.
The building owner was running a furniture manufacturing unit on the ground floor, police said, and added that the exact cause of the fire is being investigated.