Hyderabad: Free coaching for Civil Service aspirants at MANUU

Application forms should be submitted to the office of the Academy at the University Campus

Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University is organising free coaching for Civil Service aspirants. January 10 has been set as the last date for submitting applications for free admission. UPSC Civil Services Exams will be held in May 2023.

According to the in-charge of the academy, Prof. H. Aleem Basha, aspirants belonging to SC, ST, women, and religious minorities are eligible for admission. Application forms can be downloaded from the university website (click here)

The application forms should be submitted to the office of the Academy at the University Campus, Gachhibowli. A demand draft of Rs. 500 drawn in the name of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University and payable at Hyderabad should be enclosed with the application. A nominal fee will be charged for admission, library, and hostel facilities.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence
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