Hyderabad: The West Zone Police on Saturday announced the installation of a network of 264 CCTV cameras worth Rs 1.40 crore, surveilling the KBR Park and other major localities in the West Zone of the city.
The CCTV project, inaugurated by city police commissioner CV Anand, is part of a collaborative effort by the West Zone police and local community members. The project was made possible by contributions from good samaritans and businesses, the police said in a statement.
According to police, out of the 264 cameras, 153 have been placed around the KBR Park, while the remaining will be set up at hotspots on Road No. 36, Road No. 45, and in check post areas.
Addressing a gathering during the inauguration, CV Anand called upon the public and community members to continue supporting the endeavour, by installing additional CCTV cameras in their respective localities.
The announcement comes just days after a woman filmmaker was allegedly harassed by a man driving a car while she was jogging near KBR Park.
KBR Park, a popular place for morning walkers including VIPs, has witnessed similar incidents in the past.
In November 2021, Tollywood actress Shalu Chourasiya was attacked and robbed when she was on an evening walk. She had suffered injuries while resisting the attack. The same month, another woman lodged a complaint that an unidentified man molested her and extorted Rs 2,500.