Hyderabad: The traffic police here said that in connection with the ‘Shab-e-Qadar’ (Jagne ki Raat), and to avert any untoward incident/road accidents, all flyovers in Hyderabad city (except Greenland’s Flyover, PVNR Expressway and Langer house flyover) and PVNR MARG/Necklace road will be closed after 10:00 pm.
The general public/commuters in the city have been requested to make note of the above restrictions and cooperate with the Hyderabad traffic police. In case of any inconvenience in commuting, please call out traffic helpline 9010203626, a press release from the police said.
Eid-al-Fitr this Ramzan is expected to fall on April 22 or 23, depending on the sighting of the moon. The last Friday of the holy month is an important night for Muslims (according to Islam), as it is believed that the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad on that night. Many Muslims stay up all night and offer special prayers.
However, over the years, many youngsters also use the chance to simply zoom on their bikes (which is considered unruly by others who point out that such auspicious nights should not be misused), due to which the traffic police have imposed such restrictions.