Israel launches tech plan for detection of noisy vehicles

Three proposals would be selected for demonstration and each of them would receive government support of 50,000 shekels (about $14,440), Xinhua news agency reported.

Jerusalem: The Israeli government has launched a plan to gather innovative solutions to the road noises of motor vehicles using automatic detection technology.

The plan encouraged tech firms and entrepreneurs to come up with solutions that would enable the detection of “abnormally noisy” vehicles in various visibility and weather conditions, such as darkness and fog, so that law enforcement could be less complex and requires less manpower, the Ministries of Innovation, Science and Technology, as well as Environmental Protection said in a joint statement on Sunday.

Three proposals would be selected for demonstration and each of them would receive government support of 50,000 shekels (about $14,440), Xinhua news agency reported.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

Noise from vehicles has long been a hazard in Israel in recent years, causing health problems and interfering with daily activities, the Ministries said, noting excessive noises came from the illegally modified engine and exhaust system of motorcycles.

The plan was publicised on the new National Challenges website built to improve the Israeli government’s performance through the assimilation of innovative technologies.

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