Mumbai: The 16th season of the iconic quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati, hosted by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, has been keeping audiences on the edge of their seats since it premiered three weeks ago. While many contestants have already walked away as lakhpatis, the show has yet to see its first crorepati of the season.
Nareshi Meena from Rajasthan became the first contestant to attempt the coveted Rs 1 crore question. Unfortunately, she was unable to answer correctly, but still left the show with an impressive Rs 50 lakh in prize money.
Now, the excitement is building once again as KBC 16 introduces its second contestant to face the Rs 1 crore question.
In a newly released promo by Sony Entertainment Television, contestant Banti Vadiva from Asadi, Madhya Pradesh, can be seen on the hot seast. Banti reveals to Amitabh Bachchan that he had just Rs 260 in his bank account before appearing on the show and now he has become a lakhpati.
The promo shows the tense moment when Amitabh Bachchan presents Banti with the Rs 1 crore question. The excitement is high as viewers eagerly await to see if Banti will make history by becoming the season’s first crorepati. The episode is set to air on September 2 at 9 PM on Sony Entertainment Television.
Will Banti Vadiva succeed where others have fallen short? Only time will tell. Let’s wait and watch.