Hyderabad: BRS working president and former Telangana minister K T Rama Rao on Sunday, December 31 said that of all the observations and feedback he received post the Assembly polls, the best one thus far was that the former chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao “should have setup 32 YouTube channels to counter the fake propaganda instead of setting up 32 government medical colleges.”
The remark comes in the context of the newly elected Congress government’s narrative that financial mismanagement and corruption of massive proportions occurred during the tenure of the BRS regime.
“Lots of Interesting feedback & observations I’ve been getting post-election results The best one thus far; Instead of setting up 32 Govt Medical Colleges, KCR Garu should’ve set up 32 YouTube channels to counter the fake propaganda Agree with this observation to an extent,” he said in a post on X.
War of narratives
The ruling Congress and the BRS have been at loggerheads since the formation of the new state government.
While the Congress government released a White Paper (Swetha patram) in the state Assembly to prove its point of BRS’ financial mismanagement and massive debt on Telangana, the BRS countered it with a ‘Sweda Patram‘ (sweat paper) citing all the achievements under its time in power.
Chief minister A Revanth Reddy made multiple remarks on the issue asserting that the BRS “drowned the state in debt.” Also, the subject of the sinking of the Medigadda barrage piers became a point of contention between the parties.
The chief minister ordered a judicial probe into the sinking of the Medigadda barrage piers and the damage that occurred to the Annaram barrage. A delegation of ministers visited the barrages and photos were released of the piers that sunk at Medigadda.
The Land Cruisers row
Another row emerged when chief minister Revanth said that the BRS dispensation ordered 22 Land Cruiser cars for the chief minister’s convoy just before the elections and “hid them in Vijayawada” expecting to use them once BRS comes back to power.
BRS MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha hit back at Revanth by saying that the protocol of the chief minister’s convoy is decided by the Security, Intelligence, and police departments.
“No public representative asks for a specific number of cars or security personnel but it is suggested by the Security and Intelligence department experts. Also, how and where to build the convoy is decided by them and is kept a secret…so, it’s obvious that they (Intelligence) placed these vehicles in a place where such facilities are available and they will use the cars when necessary. They don’t tell us those things…” she said.
Kavitha further lamented the chief minister’s ‘satirical’ remarks on the subject and said that it is being ‘blown out of proportion.’