Mumbai: Akshay Kumar, regarded as one of Bollywood‘s most versatile and bankable actors, not only commands the screen but also lives a lavish lifestyle off-screen. Khiladi Kumar is one of richest Indian actors with a net worth of over Rs 2500 crores. According to a report in GQ India, the Kesari actor’s annual income stands at Rs 486cr. Let’s take a look inside his world of extravagant indulgences.
Akshay Kumar’s Duplex Sea-Facing Home – 80 Crores
Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are the owners of a sea facing house in Juhu, Mumbai. The luxurious abode is reportedly worth Rs 80 crores. This magnificent mansion provides a panoramic view that matches the actor’s larger-than-life persona.
Other Lavish Properties
Akshay has added three apartments in the upscale Transcon Triumph Tower-1 in Andheri, Mumbai, worth a total of 13.5 crores to his real estate portfolio. These spaces reflect his refined taste and penchant for opulent living.
Akshay Kumar also bought an apartment in the Khar suburb of Mumbai for Rs 7.8 crore in 2022.
Apart from these, the actor’s other properties include a beachfront property in Mauritius, a bungalow in Toronto, a luxurious home somewhere in Canada, as per various reports.
Luxurious Vacation Home in Goa
Akshay’s lavish holiday home worth 5 crores is a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. It demonstrates his penchant for lavish vacations.
Rolls Royce Phantom
Akshay’s Rolls-Royce Phantom, which is worth 9.5 crores, exudes unrivalled sophistication. This timeless symbol of luxury complements his celebrity perfectly.
Range Rover Vogue
The Range Rover Vogue, which costs 2.18 crores, is an eye-catching addition to Akshay’s car collection. This iconic SUV combines performance and luxury with ease.
Porsche Cayenne
Akshay’s Porsche Cayenne, valued at 1.2 crores, reflects his passion for speed and precision, and is a perfect match for his dynamic on-screen persona.
Mercedes-Benz GL350
The Mercedes-Benz GL350, which costs 70 lakhs, exudes class and comfort, making every journey a luxurious one.
Akshay Kumar’s Vanity Van
While Akki was shooting for Singh Is Bliing, the actor got a van customized and it includes a relaxing massage chair, along with a luxurious bedroom setting. It also has a kitchen and a huge dining area. The vanity van is worth Rs 5 crores, reportedly.
On the professional front, Akshay Kumar was last seen in OMG 2 that managed to earn good numbers at box office.