In wake of the latest reshuffle in the Bhartiya Janata Party’s (BJP) parliamentary board, party leader Subramanian Swamy on Thursday said there are no elections held in the saffron party anymore.
A former MP, Swamy took to Twitter and expressed his views regarding the matter. He said, “In early days of Janata Party and then BJP, we had party and parliamentary party elections to fill office bearers posts. Party Constitution requires it. Today in BJP there are no elections whatsoever ever. To every post is nominated a member with the approval of Modi.”
Subramanian Swamy alleged that BJP members are nominated to various positions based on Narendra Modi’s approval. It is to be noted that BJP president JP Nadda effected a major reshuffle on Wednesday in the parliamentary board and the central election committee.
Former Karnataka chief minister BS Yediyurappa and Sarbhananda Sonawal are among newly inducted members in the top group of the BJP.