Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK supremo M.K. Stalin came out in support of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi following the latter’s disqualification as a member of the Lok Sabha on Friday in wake of his conviction by a Gujarat court, terming the decision an attack on progressive democratic forces and demanding that it be revoked.
Noting that the verdict in the criminal defamation case has been given by a trial court, he said that an appeal to the higher courts is still on the cards and questioned the haste with which the disqualification was executed.
“It is only the Supreme Court that should pronounce the final verdict. It seems like the BJP was just waiting for this opportunity going by their act of disqualifying Rahul Gandhi within a day of the district court’s verdict,” Stalin said.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister attacked the BJP government at the Centre for the developments unfolding since Thursday.
“It is now clear how much the BJP is scared of Rahul Gandhi. The impact created by brother Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo yatra is also a reason for BJP’s fear,” he said.