Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a rally in Telangana’s Karimnagar, made a statement that has left many with raised eyebrows. He criticized senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s apparent ‘silence’ on industrial giants Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani. Modi questioned whether a ‘deal’ has been developed between the three.
Hitting back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his Adani-Ambani jibe, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra charged that the BJP has a nexus with industrialists and waived their loans worth Rs 16 lakh crore.
She also alleged that the entire BJP machinery is engaged in spreading “lies” about Rahul Gandhi.
Referring to the prime minister’s remarks at a rally in Telangana that the Congress should explain to people why it has stopped raising the ‘Ambani-Adani’ issue as its ‘Shehzada’ used to do for the past five years, Priyanka Gandhi said, “Today he (Modi) is saying Rahul does not take the name of Adani, Ambani….He does so every day. He brings their truth in front of you every day”.
“We say every day that they (BJP) have a nexus with industrialists. You must understand that Prime Minister Modi has waived off Rs 16 lakh crore of big billionaires. Whose money is this? This is not Modi ji’s money. That is the country’s money,” she said at public meetings here while campaigning for her brother Rahul Gandhi from the family bastion.
“BJP leaders are not even talking about inflation and unemployment. They will come here and in their speeches talk about religion, caste, temples and mosques but will not talk about your real problems,” she said.