The district administration of Rajasthan’s Udaipur on Saturday, August 17, demolished the house of a boy accused of stabbing a classmate. The authorities justified this action and claimed the house was illegally constructed.
The demolition operation was conducted following a violent incident that occurred on Friday, August 16, at a government-run school, where the accused, a 10th-grade student identified as Ayan Sheikh allegedly stabbed a fellow student, escalating communal tensions in the area.
The victim student Devraj Mochi is admitted to hospital and is said to be in critical condition.
According to the media reports, the demolition drive was executed after the accused’s family was ordered to remove their belongings from the house, which authorities asserted was rented and built without proper authorization.
Before the demolitions, police force was deployed in the area to ensure the operation proceeded without further tension. However, minor clashes erupted between locals and police as the latter attempted to clear the area.
The stabbing incident triggered communal tensions in Udaipur, particularly in the Madhuban area where the groups powered by the Hindutva outfits gathered, leading to violent protests that included setting fire to vehicles and stone-pelting.
Subsequently, the local administration swung into action and imposed prohibitory orders under Section 144, restricting large gatherings.
Additionally, divisional commissioner Rajendra Bhatt issued an order suspending mobile internet services for 24 hours from 10 pm on Friday in Udaipur City, Bedla, Badgaon, Bleecha, Debari, Eklingpura, Kanpur, Dheekli and Bhuwana areas.
Additional policemen were deployed in the city to maintain law and order.