Hyderabad: After the massive success of RRR, Ram Charan has taken some time off before diving into his next highly anticipated project, “Game Changer,” directed by Shankar. The actor recently completed his part in the film, which has been in the making for nearly three years.
Following his global acclaim from “RRR,” Ram Charan decided to increase his remuneration. According to Cinejosh sources, for “Game Changer,” he opted for a fixed payment instead of profit sharing. Reliable sources reveal that he agreed to a payment of Rs 90 crore, turning down an additional Rs 15-20 crore that he could have earned through profit sharing. This decision underscores his practical approach, recognizing the film’s budget constraints and potential.
Initially, producer Dil Raju planned “Game Changer” as a collaborative effort, with himself, director Shankar, and Ram Charan each holding a 33% share of the profits. However, as the budget ballooned to over Rs 400 crore, Ram Charan chose to ensure the financial stability of the producers by settling for a fixed fee.
“Game Changer,” featuring a dynamic pairing of superstar Ram Charan and director Shankar, is set for a pan-India release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and other languages. The film has attracted significant interest from buyers across various regions, drawn by its compelling action narrative and visually stunning songs.
Despite its extended production period of more than two years, sources are confident that the producer and director will achieve substantial financial success once the business deals are finalized.
Additionally, Ram Charan will jump right into his next project, a collaboration with director Buchi Babu. This big-budget entertainer is described as a heart-wrenching tale with a compelling storyline that has been developing for two years. The film is poised to become a box-office blockbuster.