Telangana doctors urge hydration amid rising dengue cases

Combination of heavy rainfall and high humidity has created ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, resulting in a significant outbreak of these diseases.

Hyderabad: Doctors in Telangana have issued a warning to the public to stay adequately hydrated as dengue cases surge across the state. The heavy monsoons have led to an increase in infectious diseases, including dengue, malaria, and typhoid.

The combination of heavy rainfall and high humidity has created ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, resulting in a significant outbreak of these diseases.

Dr. Azeezuddin, highlighted the importance of staying hydrated, particularly for older adults. “Each degree Celsius rise in temperature above 39°C (102°F) in adults can lead to a 25% increase in fluid losses through sweating and breathing,” he explained. This makes older adults especially vulnerable to dehydration during the febrile phase of dengue.

Dr. Azeez also highlighted that specific solutions have been designed to provide essential fluids, electrolytes, and energy to support recovery from non-diarrheal dehydration during these diseases.

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