Hyderabad: The Telangana government initiated action against four officials in connection with the collapse of the retaining wall at the Sunkishala intake well project on August 2. The damage had come to light nearly a week later, following which the state on Wednesday, August 14, issued orders transferring the project director, placing officials on suspension and also served show-cause notices to the contractor.
The Telangana government has also formed a high-power committee to investigate into the incident in addition to a report submitted by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) on the incident.
According to a release by HMWS&SB, Principal Secretary (Municipal Administration & Urban Development) M. Dana Kishore issued orders on Wednesday for the action on the incident.
“The Project director D. Sudarshan has been transferred to a non-focal post, officers of project construction circle-3 (Sunkishala) CGM Kiran Kumar, GM Maria Raj, DGM Prashanth, Manager Harish have been placed on suspension. The contractor was served show-cause notices,” said the release.