Telangana intermediate exam results to be released in June

This year, over nine lakh students registered for examinations of the intermediate first and second year

Hyderabad: The intermediate exam results are expected to be released in the second half of June 2022 as the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has begun the evaluation of answer scripts.

The evaluation is taking place at 15 spot evaluation camps located at various places in the state.

On Thursday, intermediate major examinations came to an end. Yesterday, the board conducted Chemistry paper-II and Commerce paper-II examinations. Out of 411783 students who have registered for the examination, 391242 appear in the exam on Thursday.

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Mistakes in intermediate exam papers

Inter students found mistakes in question papers of Political Science (Civics) paper-II, Urdu version of the Mathematics IIA, and mathematics bridge course.

As per students, question number 8 in Political Science (Civics) paper-II exam was different for English and Telugu versions of question papers.

Instead of “Zarbi”, “Farji” was mentioned in question number 1 of section-A of the Urdu version of the Mathematics IIA question paper. In section B, the “Theek” word was extra in question number 20 of the paper. However, the board had corrected both the mistakes by immediately sending errata instructions to students.

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No Telugu translation was made available for the mathematics bridge course question paper.

Telangana intermediate exam results

Although a few minor mistakes appeared in the question papers, the board conducted the examination successfully.

After a gap of two COIVD-dominated years, this year, most of the syllabus was completed in in-person classes. The dependency on the online classes was very less.

This year, over nine lakh students registered for examinations of the intermediate first and second year.

The result of the intermediate examination is expected to be released in the fourth week of June.

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