Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, an elderly woman suffering from severe health conditions was found abandoned at a cremation ground at Water Tank Thanda in Miryalaguda mandal of Nalgonda on Monday, November 6.
The woman, Venkat Ratnamma, 71 is suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and other health conditions.
According to the police, her son, Venkateshwarlur from Andhra Pradesh brought her in an autorickshaw and abandoned the woman at the cremation ground in Nalgonda, three days ago.
Panchayat workers of the village, working nearby, noticed Venkat Ratnamma’s plight and came to her rescue. They provided her with shelter and some food to eat.
They also informed the sarpanch and Miryalugda police about the incident after no one came looking for her.
Rural police then visited the area and rushed the ailing woman to a hospital. Later, the cops called Venkateshwarlu and counselled him.
Ratnamma was sent back with her son, who swore to take care and never abandon his mother again.