Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a man died after being treated by an RMP (registered medical practitioner) in Wardhannapet. The RMP allegdly gave seven injections within an hour, the family members of the diseased alleged.
Kathi Naveen, 28, an auto driver by occupation, and a resident of Wardhannapet town in Warangal district, had developed the symptoms of fever and weakness, when his wife Meghana took him to an RMP named Adepu Srinivas at Phirangigadda locality in town.
Without conducting any tests on the patient, the RMP gave him two injections and gave two glucose bottles to be emptied inside the patient’s system.
As Naveen started feeling cold, the RMP gave a few more injections, after which the former’s condition deteriorated. Having felt scared, the RMP asked the family members of Naveen to take him to a private hospital for treatment.
After shifting the patient to Warangal, and while being taken to Hyderabad for better treatment, Naveen breathed his last.
Based on the complaint filed by Meghana, the police lodged a complaint and have been looking for RMP Srinivas, who locked his clinic and went absconding.
Wardhannapet MLA KR Nagaraju met the bereaved family members and consoled them. Naveen’s family members sought justice and action against the RMP for claiming Naveen’s life.