Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Amit Malaviya on Friday said that Tipu Sultan was a barbarian and not a freedom fighter, his statement comes a day after the All India Majlis-e-Ittihad-ul-Muslimeen observed his birth anniversary at the controversial Eidgah maidan.
Malviya further attacked the AIMIM president stating, “Nothing better can be expected from Owaisi, whose political ancestors were the Razakars, who massacred and ethnically cleansed the Hindus in Hyderabad.”
“Tipu was a barbarian, who inflicted untold miseries on the Kodavas in Coorg, the Syrian Christians in Mangalore, the Catholics, the Konkanis, the Nairs of Malabar, the Mandyan Iyengars, who were hanged in hundreds on Diwali, due to which their descendants don’t celebrate the festival to this day. He broke innumerable temples and Churches, and forcefully converted people to Islam. His sword had an inscription to launch jihad against the infidels,” alleged Malviya.
It is noted that December 1 marks Tipu Sultan’s birth anniversary. However, the Congress government under Siddramaiaah fixed November 10 as the date to observe the occasion. After the BJP government came to power Tipu Sultan Jayanti was cancelled.
However, the civic body permitted AIMIM to observe the birth anniversary.
“He was no freedom fighter. He was taking the help of the French, who were no less colonial than the British. Mysore would have become a French colony, like Pondicherry, if Tipu had won. He invited Zaman Shah from Afghanistan to invade India and establish an Islamic Caliphate wrote to Napolean to invade India and ensured French victory against the British. How are these the traits of a freedom fighter,” Malviya tweeted.
Several Congress leaders participated in the Tipu Sultan Jayanti at Guddadhalli, in Bengaluru.