Mumbai: Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan, who can be seen in the recently released movie ‘I Want To Talk’, took part in the celebrations of his daughter with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan on November 16.
While the media reported that Abhishek missed Aaradhya’s birthday celebrations, the actor was indeed present at the celebrations, and this can be corroborated with the latest video shared by the event management company that has been organising Aaradhya’s birthday for the past 13 years.
The video shows Abhishek expressing his gratitude to the owner of the event planning company for organising his daughter’s birthday and their association of 13 years.
Earlier, Aishwarya had shared photos from Aaradhya’s birthday celebrations on her father Krishna Rai’s birth anniversary on November 21. The photos show Aishwarya and her mother Brinda, along with Aaradhya, paying tribute to Krishna Rai with flowers. Other photos gave a glimpse of Aaradhya’s birthday as well as childhood moments. The actress wrote in the caption, “You are officially a teenager Aaradhya”.
While there was no mention of Abhishek in the post and the pictures, the latest video confirms Abhishek’s presence, and also raises questions as to why Aishwarya skipped mentioning her husband entirely in her post.
Of late, the controversy surrounding Abhishek and Aishwarya has been gaining momentum. The flames of speculation around their separation are fanned by Abhishek’s alleged entanglement with actress Nimrat Kaur during the filming of ‘Dasvi’.
The rumours of Abhishek and Aishwarya’s separation started doing rounds since last year when it was reported in the media that Aishwarya has left the Bachchan family’s house, and has been living separately.
Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan tied the knot in 2007 after dating for a couple of years. The couple welcomed their daughter in 2011, 4 years after their marriage.