With the objective of developing cricket infrastructure all over the state of Telangana and ensuring greater transparency in the functioning of the Hyderabad Cricket Association, a panel has been formed named Honest Hardworking Hyderabad Cricket Association (HHHCA). One does not have to get worried about this longish name. The name it appears wishes to clarify that it is entering the tricky world of Hyderabad cricket to participate in the HCA polls that are scheduled for October 20.
The candidates are Messer P L Srinivas (for President), C. Babu Rao (for Vice President), R M Bhaskar (for Secretary), Rohit Agarwal (for Joint Secretary), Gerard Carr (for Treasurer) and D A J Walter (for Councilor).
Speaking to the media, Srinivas outlined the aims and objectives of his team. He said: “If we are elected, we want to function in a transparent manner and leave no room for complaints. As you all know the earlier HCA body was widely accused of corruption. There was constant infighting among the office bearers. As a result, no constructive work was done.”
“We have formed our panel with only like-minded persons and have a common goal. We will stand by each other instead of fighting among ourselves. There are other panels in the fray too but some of the members are supported behind the scenes by those who have been disqualified. We are appealing to all the 173 clubs of the HCA to give us their full support so that a new and honest HCA can be formed.”
Bhaskar who will be contesting for the post of Secretary said: “Our team and I want to return to the old ways of functioning where everyone can see what we are doing. The HCA gets funds from the BCCI but where is the money going? There is no transparency in this regard. The grounds in Hyderabad as well as the Telangana districts which fall under the purview of the HCA have been neglected,” he added.
“For many years the grassroots level development in the entire region of Telangana has been left undeveloped. Grounds are in poor shape or have even ceased to exist. As a result, the players in the districts are suffering. They have no chance to show their talent. We want to broad base the search for talent and focus not just on Hyderabad but also in the outlying district regions.”
Both Srinivas and Bhaskar emphasised the fact that if their plans worked they could also get the cooperation and gain the confidence of the state government. This would be a great help in building cricket infrastructure and set up more academies in different corners of Hyderabad and Telangana. It would result in raising the standard of cricket throughout the region and ultimately bring back the respect that Hyderabad once commanded in domestic cricket.