Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, facing a lull in his box office endeavors, is making efforts to reclaim attention from his fans. While his personal life, including his divorce and daughter Ira Khan’s wedding, has been making headlines, his professional front has been relatively quiet.
Aamir Khan On The Great Indian Kapil Show
In an attempt to reconnect with his audience, Aamir Khan is set to appear as the next guest on Netflix’s comedy chat show, “The Great Indian Kapil Show,” airing this Saturday. A promotional clip shared on social media showcased Aamir enjoying a lively interaction with host Kapil Sharma and his team.
What caught everyone’s attention in the promo was Kapil Sharma’s playful query towards Aamir Khan, suggesting, “Don’t you think you should ‘settle down’ too?” hinting at the possibility of Aamir’s third marriage.
Aamir’s reaction to Kapil’s question showed him laughing off the suggestion. Well, we got to see only a small reaction of Aamir in the promo. Fans are now eagerly awaiting the episode to see if the superstar reveals any insights or addresses rumors about a potential third wedding.
Aamir Khan has been married twice before, with Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao as his ex-wives. He shares three children – sons Junaid and Azad, and daughter Ira – from his previous marriages. Rumors have persistently linked him with actress Fatima Sana Shaikh following his second divorce.