Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) supremo and chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, while speaking at Manakondur on Monday, announced that he will transform the state into the food-processing industry capital of the nation if voted to power again.
“As Telangana became successful in producing huge quantities of paddy, BRS, if voted to power, will be setting up food processing industries everywhere, which will become employment resources for local youth,” the chief minister said.
Noting the BRS party’s commitment to economic growth, KCR highlighted the importance of establishing food processing units strategically across the state. “Since we have been producing crores of tonnes of paddy, we will be setting up food processing units wherever they are required so that local people will get employment,” he said, outlining how schemes of the BRS government have supported farmers to touch the milestone.
Will build houses like paddy has grown in Telangana
In the coming five years, the construction of houses will be the same as how paddy is grown in Telangana, KCR said. “If we do something, we will work hard. We will give land to those who do not have house spaces. We will give financial to those who own land, to construct their dream home. We will ensure that nobody is homeless in Telangana,” he added.
BRS to Abolish Fitness Certificates
Chief minister KCR also promised the abolition of the “fitness certificate” system required for youth to get jobs. He said, “BRS will be setting up food processing units and will abolish the ‘fitness certificate’ system, providing employment and administrative relief to the local youth.”
KCR further promised to not only continue the Rythu Bandhu scheme but also increase the amount gradually from the existing Rs 10,000 to Rs 16,000 if the BRS is re-elected to power.
Chief minister also defended his decision to resist the NDA Government’s proposal to fix meters to agricultural pump sets stating, “Fixing meters to agricultural pumps would have led to a loss of Rs 25,000 crore in funds from the Centre over the last five years.”