Mumbai: Former Miss World and global icon Priyanka Chopra has been reigning the headlines for her latest advertisement for luxury jewelry brand Bulgari’s Unexpected Wonders campaign. While the bedazzled jewelry was stunning as ever, what caught the netizen’s eyes was Priyanka Chopra pairing it with a chic black bodycon dress from Dolce and Gabbana. Reportedly the dress is valued at Rs. 1.4 Lakh and the price has sent the internet into a frenzy.
Quite expensive, right? Well, this is not the first time Pee Cee has shocked fans with her expensive choices. Scroll ahead to have a look at 5 expensive accessories owned by the actress.
1. Tiffany and Co. Wedding Ring
Priyanka Chopra’s proposal story is heart-melting as her now-husband Nick Jonas had shut down a Tiffany and Co. store to buy Priyanka her wedding ring. The popular wedding ring is worth a whopping Rs. 2.1 crore.
2. Lorraine Schwartz earrings
In 2016, Priyanka Chopra appeared at the Oscars donning a white Zuhair Murad gown but what stole the spotlight was her Lorraine Schwartz earrings worth Rs. 21.75 crore.
3. Peter Dundas Faux Fur Coat
From his 2018 collection, Fashion designer Peter Dundas gifted Priyanka Chopra a pink faux fur coat worth Rs. 12.8 Lakh.
4. Jimmy Choo shoes
Known for her immaculate style, Priyanka Chopra is always dressed to the nine for any occasion. She attended a royal wedding and donned a violet formal outfit but it was her Jimmy Choo 100 Chalk Satin and Plexi Pointy Toe pumps that stole the show. Embellished with Swarovski crystals, the shoes are worth Rs. 1.35 Lakh.
5. Fendi Bag
The tan-brown Fendi bag from the FW21 collection is worth Rs. 2.6 Lakh and is an absolute stunner.