Hyderabad: Eggplant, often humorously referred to as “Baigan,” has once again taken center stage in Telangana politics ahead of Assembly polls. The Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi (BRS) posted a meme on its official social media page, featuring the phrase ‘Baigan ke Congress – Baigan ke Guarantees.’
This move comes as leaders mockingly assert that Sonia Gandhi, during a recent Congress public meeting on the outskirts of Hyderabad, announced six guarantees for the people of Telangana.
In response, the Congress has been emphasizing its commitment to implementing these schemes in Telangana, similar to what it has done in neighboring Karnataka.
Over the past three days, state ministers have attempted to persuade the public that implementing these guarantees or schemes in Telangana would adversely impact the state’s finances.
Despite the ministers’ efforts, the six guarantees put forward by the Congress have resonated with the public. In response, the ruling party has adopted a humorous approach to persuade the public that these guarantees are nothing more than a joke.
Eggplant, often referred to as “Baigan,” gained significant prominence in the campaign for the Telangana assembly polls campaigns even before the last elections.
During that time, when the Apple Inc, announces its manufacturing unit in Bangaluru instead of Hyderabad, the phrase “Bengaluru gets Apple, and Hyderabad gets Baigan” was popularized, emphasizing the importance of investments in the state.
Now, with the Congress announcing six guarantees in Telangana following its success in Karnataka, the significance of “Baigan” in political discourse has once again come to the forefront.