Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar opened up about the shooting of the song ‘Kudmayi’ during the success party of his film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt. He shared that the song was shot just four days after Alia Bhatt’s wedding to Ranbir Kapoor. So, the mehendi shown on the track was from her real wedding.
He said, “Those who have seen must have seen that the wedding of Rocky and Rani ‘takes place at the end of the film. There is a story behind it. We shot the wedding sequence of Alia and Ranveer Singh in the movie just after four days of Alia and Ranbir’s marriage. Alia got married two times in the same week, one real and the other the reel one. So, Alia’s mehendi was from her real marriage and we just darken it a little bit. We shot the song in Jaisalmer.”
He further added that “it broke his heart” that he couldn’t show the entire song and thus excited to unveil the complete video of the song, “We shot this song in Jaisalmer. But when the issue of length started everyone said it should be less than 250 minutes and must not cross the limit. Then have to edit out this song and it broke my heart.”
Alia Bhatt also posted on her Instagram glimpses of the wedding song, “This song gives me every single time! #Kudmayi OUT NOW!”
Ranveer also posted, “A song made with love, for love!#Kudmayi OUT NOW!”
The song is composed by Pritam and written by Amitabh Bhattacharya and is sung by Shahid Mallya
‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ marks Karan’s return to the director’s chair after over six years. It features Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, and Shabana Azmi in the lead roles.