Hyderabad: Popular Tollywood actor Allu Arjun, known for his charismatic performances, ventured into the OTT business world by co-founding the Aha in 2020. Aha aimed to provide a space for streaming Telugu films, web series, and exclusive content. The platform expanded its reach with the launch of Aha Tamil in 2022.
A latest report in Track Tollywood suggests that the team is exploring the possibility of selling the platform soon.
Despite the success in viewership, Aha is reportedly facing financial challenges, a common struggle for many digital streaming platforms. The high costs of content, including movies and web series, are making it difficult for OTT platforms to turn substantial profits.
Aha Video, focusing on smaller films, is reportedly facing tough competition, as larger platforms like Netflix, Prime Video, Disney + Hotstar, and Zee5 secure medium and big-budget films.
Moreover, Aha’s subscription price is comparatively lower than other OTT platforms. With these constraints, there are reports suggesting that the Aha team is losing interest in managing the platform due to the perceived high-risk factor.