Mumbai: The latest buzz in the fashion world is about Bollywood‘s very own style icon, Ananya Panday. The stunning actress recently attended the HT India’s Most Stylish Awards; did she make an impression at the award ceremony? Yes, the actress looked like a fashion goddess in a stunning Fuchsia pink blazer dress with matching fits and block heels.
But hold on, there’s more! What really stole the show was her unique bucket-shaped bag, which caught everyone’s attention. The bag was adorned with stacks of gold coins, giving it a new level of extravagance and luxury.
We discovered that Ananya’s Khloe’s pot of gold bags was made by the American luxury brand ‘Judith Leiber‘. The bag has a metallic interior and a crystal cover on the outside, both of which exude opulence and grandeur. But here’s the catch—brace yourself! The bag costs an eye-watering amount of (5995 USD), which is approximately Rs. 4.90 lakhs!
Yes, you read that correctly! A bag costs Rs. 4.90 lakhs! That is what we mean by high-end luxury at its finest. Ananya’s stunning choice of accessories shows there are no boundaries when it comes to fashion. So, the next time you see Ananya Panday carrying her ‘Khloe’s pot of gold bag’, remember that she’s carrying more than just a purse; she’s carrying a statement of sheer elegance and sophistication that only a select few can afford.
On the work front, Ananya Pandey will next be seen in ‘Dream Girl 2’, co-starring Ayushmann Khurrana.