Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy will leave on Friday on a 11-day official-cum-personal trip to Europe, during which he will lead a state delegation to the World Economic Forum’s annual summit in Davos from May 22.
The Chief Minister will first fly to Davos for participating in the WEF meeting from May 22 to 24.
State Ministers Buggana Rajendranath and G Amarnath will also attend the WEF event, where AP has opened its pavilion to showcase the state’s potential in various sectors, with the theme People, Progress and Possibilities’.
The Chief Minister would address the global leaders on the 2030 Industrial Development Agenda of AP, dwelling on its latest approaches and strategies to support revival of the manufacturing sector and also identify specific areas for public-private and international cooperation so as to update industrial strategies.
According to Amarnath, AP would also showcase to the world its people-centric sustainable governance policies’, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
In partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry, AP would also host three state sessions on healthcare (May 23), education and skilling (May 24) and transition to decarbonised economy (25th), the Minister added.
After attending the WEF event, Jagan will leave for other parts of Europe for a holiday with family, joined by his two daughters, now studying there.
He will return to the state on May 31, official sources said. The CBI special court in Hyderabad granted permission a couple of days ago for Jagan, who is currently out on bail in various criminal cases pending against him, to undertake the foreign visit.