Mumbai: In the upcoming episode of ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’, actress Janhvi Kapoor and Sunny Kaushal will be seen stepping into the ‘Bigg Boss 16’ house and interacting with the housemates.
The two actors are promoting their upcoming survival thriller film ‘Mili’ on the Colors show, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan.
In the episode, Janhvi will be seen playing a game called “Who is more likely too?”, where she will be seen giving two names of contestants following it up with a question.
Jhanvi calls Nimrit and asks her “Sabse zyada akad kisme hai” and gives an option of Gautam Vig and Shaleen Bhanot.
Nimrit took Shaleen’s name and said: “Whatever atitude he shows… It shows he has akad.”