Mumbai: Bigg Boss OTT 3, hosted by Bollywood superstar Anil Kapoor, premiered on June 21 on Jio Cinema Premium. The show features 16 well-known personalities from showbiz and social media, including Armaan Malik with his wives Payal and Kritika, Sai Ketan Rao, Sana Makbul, Ranvir Shorey, ‘Vada Pav Girl’ Chandrika Dixit, and Elvish Yadav’s best friend Luv (Lovekesh) Kataria, among others.
Nominations and eliminations are among the most interesting parts of Bigg Boss every season. All eyes are on this season’s first nominations now.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 Nominated Contestants Week 1
According to Live Feed, the first nominations of the season have already taken place. The nomination task required contestants to scrap photos of two others they wished to nominate.
Five contestants are now in the danger zone for the first week —
- Luv Kataria
- Vishal Pandey
- Shivani Kumari
- Chandrika Dixit
- Deepak Chaurasia
The nomination task will be featured in tonight’s episode. Who do you think will be the first to get eliminated? Comment below.
Stay tuned to for more interesting scoops and updates on Bigg Boss OTT 3.